LOST Arg - Octagon Global Recruiting - DarkUFO

UPDATE 8/16: It seems more people have been getting the strange strings of text that have appeared previously on the site. Thanks to Lisa for this image:

Also, you can read the entire string of text Lisa gave us from the site here.

NOTE: I just thought I'd take the time to also say thank you to ALL the people who have been sending in stuff via the submission form. We really appreciate, though in many cases we may not be able to reply to each person personally so don't be offended if you submit something and I or someone else can't get back to you.

UPDATE: Things seem to be running now, for some people. Comment if you are still having trouble accessing the page.

Original: As many of you have been pointing out in the comments, and on other websites, DharmaWantsYou.com isn't loading properly and instead leaves visitors stuck staring at the background screen of the site.

I don't think it's an issue of their servers being overwhelmed as it's been happening all day and there are a couple errors when trying to load the pages:

http://wdig.vo.llnwd.net/crossdomain.xml - bad request
http://www.dharmawantsyou.com/site/conf/live_startup.srt - not found

Something probably got screwed up as they were updating the site... or at least that's my best guess. Drop us a line using the submission form as soon as you notice a change.

We welcome relevant, respectful comments.
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