Benry, KeepingPace and seals have all contributed to a theory behind all of the pictures that were seen in the Dharma test.
Feel free to comment below, and thanks to Benry, KeepingPace and seals!
Fellow Losties:
After some careful consideration (and blind luck) Benry, KeepingPace, and seals want to suggest the following: The pictures seen in the test correspond to the different stations. So, here is your correlations with explanation. If you think there is a better match, feel free to comment (or if you think we are nuts) in the comments section and correct it. So here we Go.
Picture of the Carrot – The looking Glass – Probably the most obvious example of this kind of idea, the Looking Glass logo is a rabbit. Rabbits eat carrots. If correct the right answer may have been: D. Eat

Picture of what looks like blood – The Arrow - Again pretty easy, Arrows cause wounds. A: Wound

Picture of Teeth – The Staff – This one would seem to be the spines, but more on that later. The idea of The Staff being a medical facility, this just seems to make sense. The doctor’s explanations on the picture are sort of a give away.

Picture of Little Red Riding Hood – The Swan – Ok, here’s a stretch. Riding Hood is a fairy tale. There are others, some of which reference a black swan, or perhaps the ugly duckling.

Picture of the Forest – The Flame – That forest looks devastated to me. And while the trees are cut down, its something fire could have done.

Picture of the Girl and the Sprinkler – The Pearl – Probably the weakest connection we had, the best we could come up with was that Pearl and Girl rhyme.

Picture of the Dark Road – The Orchid – Both the Orchid and this pic deal with an uncertain destination. Also, the Orchid's logo and this both deal with lots of contrast and lines to draw you in.

The Shipwrecked Ship – The Tempest – The logo of the Tempest is a wave. Waves could have capsized that ship.

The Surprise sign – The Door – Who labels a tree w/ a sign that says "surprise" this way?! This seemed fishy as all hell to us... Like something Ben or Wile E. Coyote would put up to distract you or lull you where he wanted. Kinda like how Sayid fell for the ruse of the Door in the faux Others' camp. Hence the answer should probably be a) Trap.

The Skeletons – The Hydra – Hercules defeats the hydra by decapitating its heads with a fiery sword. So the skeletons are decapitated necks and spines.

Of Course, if you disagree, feel free to make the comments. Thanks again to KeepingPace and seals.
Source: Lost OGR